Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Outside-the-Box Thinking

Alright, so I did not work on my "projectspace" as much as I had hoped I would today due to a number of circumstances. So... I'll give it another day before I put up a progress picture, as it wouldn't show much progress. I did, however, get a dresser in the corner (a big feat, I know), and I have my jewelry boxes setting temporarily on it. I also got a corkboard in the corner as well, although I am not sure how I am going to secure it to its spot or if I am going to keep it where it is right now. It's a little larger than I had anticipated.

The corkboard has a purpose, and that is to pin up everything I plan on doing or things that inspire me and get my creative "juices" flowing. It'll be pretty much a manual, physical "pinterest" of sorts.

Anyway, I was thinking today. Thinking about thinking and thought processes. I realized that in order to fully live "outside the box" one would have to think outside the box, and develop thought patterns that were outside the box. Now, what I am about to blog about might affect my readership, but I really don't care (is "readership" even a word?). I am a Christian. God has been speaking to me lately about my thought processes and the things that I think on a regular basis. I have been noticing that I have made a habit of thinking negatively. Not extremely negative, but more of a negativity out of a fear that I might be let down by unfulfilled expectations. Fear-based thoughts.

Fear-based thoughts are like sugar. Sugar is good and sometimes necessary for one's health, but when used improperly and eaten in outlandish amounts, it can make you ill and decay your teeth.

Likewise, fear-based thoughts can be good and save lives in necessary situations. But when you take those thoughts outside of when it is necessary, and you have too much of them, they can begin to decay your mind, heart and even begin to affect your lifestyle and your future. God did not intend these thoughts to take over on a daily basis.

In II Timothy 1:7 states "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

I am making a resolution for this New Year to begin to change my thought processes. When thoughts enter my mind about things being "this way" and have been "this way" for a long time and will continue in my life being "this way", I will fight them with what the Bible says. When thoughts enter my mind that try to tell me I will never do what I want to do, can never live in true victory, or cut me down and tell me I am a nobody, I will fight them with what the Bible says. I will fight those thoughts with the Bible until what the Bible says become my thoughts on a regular basis.

I am blessed.
I am healthy.
I am on my way to becoming completely debt-free.
I am loved by God.
I am living in the Will of God and I will fulfill my God-given destiny and calling.
I have a secure future.

You can't fight your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. You need to fight them with something substantial, something that has power, something that is bigger than you. You need to fight them with the Bible. The Bible brings you into that place where you are empowered, walking in perfect Love, with a mind that is sound. The Bible kicks fear to the curb and brings you to victory!

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