Monday, July 30, 2012

Do Something that Scares You

"Do something that scares you"

That is a statement on the back of one of the T-shirts that Caribou Coffee was issuing to their employees for a summer promo. I didn't get that particular shirt, but a couple coworkers did. I chose not to get the shirt because I am not the type of person who enjoys doing things that scare me. In fact, I try to stay as far away from things that scare me as possible. (**Disclaimer: I no longer work for Caribou Coffee, and this post was in no way intended to promote or harm the company.**)

I've always had a list of things that I really want to do, if only they didn't scare me. I am not a thrill-seeker or a risk-taker. I don't like adrenaline rushes. I enjoy peace, quiet and safe things. I believe the reason why I do not take risks is that I have a particularly keen sense of the negative possibilities and outcomes of said situations. I have recently been trying to look at things in a more positive light, and believe me, it has been difficult to change a thinking pattern that has been a part of me for pretty much my entire life.

The point is, I actually did something that I've always wanted to do but have never done because it scares me. I explored an abandoned house on a spontaneous road trip I took for a day this weekend:

I know what you're probably thinking. Abandoned houses aren't scary. Well, they are, to me. When I see an abandoned house, I see possible contact with weird germs or illnesses, wild animals, wood ticks, exposed rusty nails, angry police officers or bad flooring that gives out from underneath you. But I've always wanted to explore an abandoned building.

So I did it. Here's more photographic proof:

Just for fun, here are another couple of photos I took on my spontaneous road trip:

I have a few other things on my list of things I'd like to do but I don't because they scare me. I'd really like to travel internationally, take a road trip to a big city, ride in a sailboat and fly in a hot air balloon. Among other things. And I know I am going to face these fears and conquer them.

What are some things you've always wanted to do, but have not done, because they scare you?

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